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Fifish Pro W6

UAV, ROV, NDT For Sale

The Fifish Pro W6 ROV with its patented q-motor system is an industrial-class unmanned operated submersible vehicle. The W6 Pro enables quick attachments, removable parts and accessories for a range of underwater applications.

Fifish W6 Professional

Designed for deep-sea operations the Fifish W6 ROV Professional comes standard with a 350-meter tether and reel that can be used to tackle missions with reliability and precision.


MFE W6 ROV Design

Simple Modular Design | 5 Interface Ports

It’s simple to add and remove accessories from the Fifish W6 ROV and with its five-interface port system, the operator has the ability to add on and control different tools simultaneously.

U-QPS System

Real-Time Quick Positioning System


The U-QPS software and hardware system provides a 3D map of the W6s’ real-time location, points of interest recordings, and three-dimensional dive paths, including a return to home position feature.

W6 Fifish Sonar Imaging

Sonar Imaging

The 2D and 3D sonar imaging equipment can be integrated into the Fifish Pro W6, to provide the operator the ability to perform, scan and inspect underwater environments in dark or turbid conditions.

W6 Intuitive Sonar Array

Sonar Array System

The Sonar Array System includes a smart distance lock, altitude lock, collision avoidance and terrain scanning functions.

Fifish Pro W6 Station Lock

Station Lock System

The station lock holds the ROV position underwater and will return to its locked position against any interference from underwater environments. 

MFE W6s Dual 4k Camera

Dual 4K Camera

The Dual 4K Camera System delivers an ultra-wide field of view. The system and its data collection software allow a broader range of detail for professional applications.

Fifish W6 Battery

Lithium Battery

The W6 battery is a durable, removable design with up to 8 hours of continuous battery life. the W6s battery can be charged up to 70% in just one hour.

High Precision Measuring Tools:

Laser RulerLaser Ruler

The Laser Ruler enables optical measurements of underwater objects. Operators can effectively measure the scale of cracks, holes and degradation to prevent further chances of damage. The Laser Ruler comes standard with all Fifish Pro W6 packages.

AR Scaler

The Augmented Reality Scaler is an intelligent feature that allows the pilot to measure the size of underwater objects with high precision.

Compass Ruler

Physically measure small objects underwater and gather results in real-time with the Compass Ruler.


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